
Ankle sprains are one of the most common injuries experience by trail and mountain runners due to the steep and uneven terrain. Ankle sprains, however, are not all alike. In last month’s Runners Edge Newsletter, lateral ankle sprains were…

Treat Your Feet to Reduce Spring Injury Risk
By John Fiore, PT
The spring running season is underway. With Runner's Edge Events Trail Series and Run Wild Missoula races taking place nearly every weekend, now is the time to treat your feet to reduce injury risk. The human foot is comprised…

Reducing Spring Overuse Injuries: A Closer Look at Posterior Tibilias
Warmer spring temperatures and upcoming races mean longer runs and an increased risk of overuse injuries. Spring is common time for overuse injuries to the tibialis posterior muscle as it’s function in vital to efficient running. The…

Running Analysis to Improve Efficiency
John Fiore, PT
The strongest predictors of running injury include a prior history of running injury, running throughout the year without a break, and a rapid increase in running mileage of >10% per week (Br J Sports Med 2007). Identifying…

Static Versus Dynamic Stretching
(Should runners stretch and if so how?)
John Fiore, PT
Confusion and controversy exists regarding the proper way for runners to stretch. Some runners stretch regularly while some never stretch at all. Stretching confusion…

Calf Strength and Performance in the Master's Runner
Addressing Age-Related Calf Weakness
An average weekend in Missoula, Montana confirms the fact that 30 million people ran at least 50 days annually in the United States in 2012-2013. Running efficiently and injury-free, however, is more elusive.…