
Running With Knee Pain: The Role of the Vastus Medialis Oblique for Knee Health

Knee pain is a common running injury. A rapid increased in mileage, hill training, weakness in the quadriceps, hip, glut, foot, and ankle musculature are contributing factors to knee pain. Lack of stabilization at the hip or lower leg places…
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Achilles Pain in Runners by John Fiore, PT

There are 4.1 million runners in the United States which is a 30% increase since 2000.1 Nearly 80% of runners sustain at least one overuse running injury per year,2 and 70% to 80% of these injuries occur between the knees and the feet.3 The…
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Running Quietly Away From Injuries by PT John Fiore

Spring in only a few weeks away and the roads and trails are drawing runners out of winter hibernation and winter sports. Whether you are new to running, or have already signed yourself up for a dozen races, spring represents a season of new…

Common Foot Injuries in Runners & How to Prevent Them

As runners, our feet take a beating. Foot pain can greatly impact a runner’s ability to train and race to your potential. Running places 2.5 to 5.0 times the weight of the body through each foot strike. Foot pain, however, does not have to…