Name Amy Moore

Age:  40

HometownQuincy, Illinois

When Did You Start Running2 years ago…more serious in the last year!!!

Miles Per WeekRoughly 10-12..working on increasing the mileage!!

Currently Training ForMy 1st Snowjoke Half Marathon!!!

Favorite Run or RaceI have two: Sweathouse Half and Turkey Day 8k!!

Words of Wisdom“If you run, you are a runner. It doesn’t matter how fast or how far. It doesn’t matter if today is your first day or if you’ve been running for 20 years. There is no test to pass, no license to earn, no membership card to get in. You just run.” – John Bingham ( one of my favorite quotes!)

What Inspires YouWhat inspires me is the encouragement that I get from my fellow runners and my cirlce of friends and family. Tuesday track workouts also inspire me because of the progress that I have made from week to week!!

Anything else you’d like to addLast Spring, my running took a turn in the right direction when I started Tuesday track. I was very nervous and scared and didn’t know what to expect. Now here it is December and I have only missed 2 Tuesday track workouts..It’s the main thing that has greatly improved my running and has improved my running confidence so much that I ran and participated in my first cross country meet!! I owe my running progress to the work that I have put into it but also to the encouragement of my fellow runners, especially my fellow Tuesday track cohorts and our coach, Courtney Babcock!!! Thanks guys!!!!