Sustainability at the Runner's Edge

Sustainability at the Runner’s Edge At the Runner’s Edge, we care about the planet. Like you, we love playing outside and enjoying the incredible outdoor opportunities in Missoula. We take pride in our commitment to environmental initiatives…

RE Reusable Bags

By: Jeff Mogavero What do you do when you find yourself faced with hundreds of t-shirts that no one wants? After years of events our storage unit was overflowing with unclaimed race t-shirts. Our first thought was to donate the shirts,…

Spring Trail Running Guide

By: Jeff Mogavero After a long winter spent scurrying along icy roads and snowy trails, the warm embrace of spring is a welcome phenomena here in Montana. The snow line continues to flee up the mountainsides as temperatures continue to…

Sapphire PT Corner: Bone Stress Injuries and RED-S in Female Runners

Evie Tate, PT, DPT Sapphire Physical Therapy Bone stress injuries (BSI) or “stress fractures” are one of the more common running-related injuries seen in female runners (1,2). These injuries occur when our bones are broken down faster…

Evidence for Exercise

By: Evie Tate, PT, DPT at Sapphire Physical Therapy Have you ever had an overuse injury like a tendinopathy (also known as tendinitis)? A common misconception about this injury is that rest is the most important piece to recovery. Though…

Winter Running Safety

Montana is notorious for dark, cold winters. One of the best ways to fight off the wintertime blues is to get outside and stay active!  Stay Warm We get a lot of questions about the best way to stay warm on wintertime runs. The answer?…