Names: Alex Tait and Sarah Knutson
AT- Jackson, WY
SK-Union, IL
How long have you been in Missoula?
AT- 6 years
SK-6 years
What is your favorite thing about Missoula?
AT- My favorite thing about Missoula is the community and the wondrous beer options.
SK-My favorite things about Missoula are the people and the access to trails.
What keeps you busy when you’re not working?
AT- Skiing and trail running. As well as moonlighting as a hitman for hire.
SK- I’m usually off running with my puppy or skiing at Discovery.
Do you prefer roads or trails?
AT- I prefer running on trails because no one can hear my screams of pain as I ask myself why I am doing this.
SK- I prefer running on trails because it’s more challenging and better for my soul than the roads. Running trails brings tears, joy, grit, and true connection to oneself.
What’s the funniest thing that’s happened to you while on a run?
AT- Slipped and fell in the mud and was totally covered in it. Saw a family hiking once I got near the trailhead and one of the little kids looked right at me and started crying.
SK- I once lost my footing and balance over a steep cliffside. While I was tumbling and sliding down I lost one of my shoes and still have a scar to prove it. Yes I can be pretty clumsy.